
“Be kind to unkind people, they need it most; no need to be their reflection” I came across this quote the other day and absolutely fell in love with it. We don’t need to be mean and unkind to people who are cranky and mean! That only causes more hate, more negativity. If we decide to be the driving force of happiness and positivity in life we can show people how amazing the world can be. Ever notice when you wake up super happy and ready for the day you come across kind people and good things happen? And when you are in a bad mood in the morning everything happens to go wrong? That is because you are sending out negative or positive vibrations into the world and you are getting what comes back! If we decide to be super kind to people who are really mean it may just make them think about what they are feeling and possibly make their day brighter. Be the change you wish to see in the world as Gandhi said. Be that radiating force of happiness.  


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